If you are getting married outside of Sarasota/Lido Key I have a number of other places I visited on the beach that might be helpful. Alternatively the top floor at Tommy Bahama is nice as you can get to the outside juliette type patio and also head to a variety of other outdoor restaurants around St. They also have a bit of a salsa lounge type thing on the floor under the patio and some big tables good for groups on the two restaurant floors.

It is a tapas bar but it's not like the tapas you would get in LA (or NYC where I"m coming from) as the portions are very big but I"ve had a number of things that are quite good. Depending on how big your group is and whether you want to just show up or have a reserved area (the latter of which is more difficult because it's in season) I would recommend Ceviche in downtown Sarasota - they have a rooftop patio that is fantastic with good live music and great sangria. If you're going for something at 6 you will be at prime time for the sunset (which should be around 7:20) so I would go for something that gives you that view. I have done quite a bit of recon though so can probably help out for a variety of things as my planning is pretty much done. I was in a similar position to you as my parents have lived there for 10 years but don't go out much and I did spend a summer there but it was a long time ago so my information was outdated.
#Anysend limited license
But I am not sure if it's a perpetual license or just for a few years. I think I got a free license of Norton from when I purchased the computer. PowerISO: Currently using the unregistered version with limited features.

I'm getting married there on the same day! Let's hope for no rain. Anysend: I can uninstall it, not frequently used.